Thursday, November 24, 2011

Quote of the Week - Thomas Edison

'The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work'

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fred Pham 500 Charity Dinner

Fred Pham 500 is a cancer charity started by Fred Pham, a school teacher and family of 5 children and his wife when Mr. Pham was advised he had 4-6 months left to live. Mr. Pham was diagnosed with advanced soft-tissue sarcoma; a form of cancer. He had several chemotherapy treatments as well as 2 surgeries, but this was not suffix to ease Mr. Pham symptoms. Mr Pham has since passed but the charity continues strong with hope.

The Fred Pham 500 Charity dinner held July 15th aim to raise awareness and funds for the ACRF. It was a well organised event thanks to Hong and the VSA team. To find make a donation to the Fred 500 cancer charity or to see how you can help, please visit

Here are some photos from my table of friends who supported the cause; unfortunately i brought the wrong lens and sat too far to capture any highlights from the night.


Above: Carolyn Ly

Above: Terry Ly & Vivian Nhan

Above: Vivian Nhan
Above: The Sefton Crew

Above: Joanne, Julie & Trami
Above: Julie Tran & Carolyn Ly
Above: Self Portrait

- End -

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!

Dedicated to my childish father who claimed today to be his birthday. Happy Fathers Day.

Above: Dad
Dad likes his bright retro looking punk clothing. No seriously. He thinks he's in. Check out his hair. I pestered him to cut him hair for a few weeks and this is what he showed up with on Friday... Totally Rocks right :P Definitely still young at heart.

Above: Steven & Dad

Above: Me & Dad

Above: Siblings

Above: One just wasn't enough 'Say Cheese!'

- End -

Quote of the Week - Mahatma Gandhi

'Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.'

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Quote of the Week - Louise L Hay

'You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens'

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quote of the Week - Harold Thurman Whitman

'Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.'

Friday, July 1, 2011

Vivid Sydney, 2011

It is Sunday the 5th of May 2011; Phil Lam, Chris Setio & myself set out to capture the event held that eve.Vivid Sydney is a festival of lights, music & ideas held annually in Sydney. This year there were over 40 illuminated attractions but time & weather limited our ability to see all that was available. It was the first time I had attempted any serious night photography on my 7D. The night would not have been complete without a borrowed tripod thanks to Brian Wong and the assisted tuition from my dear friends who guided me to the fine arts of night photography. Without them, the following shots would never have been possible.

It was an amazing night. Lots of fun, lots of lights & lots of colour.

Above: Web of Light

Above: llluminate

Above: Admiration of Illuminate

Above: The Georges

Above: The Georges - Street

Sydney Opera House:

- End -

Vivid Sydney, 2011 - More Than Just Lights

Planking was in conversation all week & what better location to do it than in front of Sydney's iconic monument.
We couldn't help ourselves. That is all.

Above: Chris Setio

Above: Self Portrait

- End -

Quote of the Week - Ralph Waldo Emerson

'The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be'

Quote of the Week - Bil Keane

'Yesterday's the past, Tomorrow's the future, but Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present'

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Quote of the Week - Martin Luther King Jr

'Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.'

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Regina & Steven - Fashion & Fun

This entry is purely dedicated to my brother Steven & his girlfriend Regina. They spent a good few weeks preparing for Serra's birthday party and their outfits were would have gone to waste if I had not captured some photos for them. With an hour to kill waiting upon other guest, what better reason that to give the couple a quick photoshoot.

Above: Regino Lo & Steven Thai

Above: Regina Lo
  - Luscious Red Lips -

Above: Regina Lo
- Entranced -

My brother had bought Regina a new pair of Alannah gloves. Coincidently Regina had only brought one side of her old pair and so, Steven assisted her in putting them on. Awww...

Above: Tying the Knot

Above: Regina Lo
 - All Happy -

Above - L2R: Regina Lo & Steven Thai

Hope you guys enjoy the photos as I did capturing it.

- End -

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mossman Gorge, Daintree National Park, QLD

Our first stop after the coastal drive along Mossman-Daintree Road was Mossman Gorge, Daintree National Park which lies 80km north of Cairns. As named, it is a rainforest. You are probably questioning whether this was just another bunch of trees? or was it something more.? You may wonder what could you possible see in a rainforest and believe that they are all the same. The answer to this is no, they are NOT all the same; each rainforest is unique to itself, with wildlife and vegetation of its own kind. What you see & feel in one rainforest differs from another; the companions you go with also adds to the ambiance of the forest. I hope that what i captured during this trip gives you an idea of the different things you may see in comparison to my posting 'A walk back to nature'.

...The Track...

The highlight of this rainforest track was that we were very, very welcomed guest to the native creatures of this forest. These natives were more than happy to get as close as they could to us, eager to come into contact with us, so much that my friends and I were more than just afraid, we wanted to get out as fast as we could. Was it love at first sight? No, they treated all of our species just the same, one bite and they were hooked. What creatures am I referring to? MOSQUITOES, oh my gosh did i get bitten...I hope you realized that was sarcasm earlier when I referred to this as the highlight of the day.

... Much room for Mushrooms...


...Vines & Climbers...

...Sprouts of Nature...

 ...Back to Basics...

...Pictured: Sophia Mok...

These two images makes me relate to the part in a movie where you are on a chase or being chased in the rainforest for a crime, or a get-away from a beast that is after you (like a bear), or perhaps Edward Cullens (The Vampire from Twilight) who comes swooping down from the branch tops to ensure your protection...

A bit much?...haha, yeah I know - I couldn't help myself.

...Roots... Not all Evil...

...Nature left its Mark...

The girls and I went through the rainforest a little faster than I would have taken if I was on my own but with the amount of ground we wanted to cover in the span of 1 day I had to make do with what we had. Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did capturing the images.

Remember, feedback is more than welcome!

- End -

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Coastal Drive, Cairns, QLD

So I just couldn't help myself, I should be doing other things like working on my assignment but I just had to flesh out these pictures which are one month overdue. Today is Day 3 of our long weekend away in Cairns. The agenda: Daintree Rainforest. We had hired a car - Holden Commodore - for our convenience that day, just to make getting around simpler - to come and go as we pleased. It's not the cheapest of expenses but it was well worth it. Time is priceless and this convenience gave us that time.

Our designated driver - Sophia took us for an amazing scenic coastal drive along Mossman-Daintree Road. It was definitely a breath-taking experience, particularly if you've got brilliant weather like we did that morning. If ever you decide to go up to Cairns, this is a drive not to be missed; and if you have the chance, drive, don't go by coach, it makes such a big difference. This coastal drive is one where you can imagine yourself sitting in a sports convertible with its top off, a slight breeze blowing through your hair, the sunlight warming up and toning the surface of your skin, your sunglasses just at the bridge of your nose; you then come to a moment where you realise this spectacular view is not worth hiding behind some shades; you take them off and if you could get out of your seat, you would get up and view the ocean. 360 degree views, mountainous on your left, coastal on your right. Did I mention this was a breath-taking drive?

I now leave you with a few shots from the 2 pit stops we had that morning:

...Like an Oasis...

...Memories of Friendship....
L2R: Sophia & Lily

...Sandy (I mean Sunny) much?...

... Thank you again to our driver...
Pictured Above: Sophia

 ...Take me back....

...I was left Mesmerised...

...Last shot courtesy of a fellow tourist...
L2R: Karen, Sophia, Myself & Lily

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