Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Regina & Steven - Fashion & Fun

This entry is purely dedicated to my brother Steven & his girlfriend Regina. They spent a good few weeks preparing for Serra's birthday party and their outfits were would have gone to waste if I had not captured some photos for them. With an hour to kill waiting upon other guest, what better reason that to give the couple a quick photoshoot.

Above: Regino Lo & Steven Thai

Above: Regina Lo
  - Luscious Red Lips -

Above: Regina Lo
- Entranced -

My brother had bought Regina a new pair of Alannah gloves. Coincidently Regina had only brought one side of her old pair and so, Steven assisted her in putting them on. Awww...

Above: Tying the Knot

Above: Regina Lo
 - All Happy -

Above - L2R: Regina Lo & Steven Thai

Hope you guys enjoy the photos as I did capturing it.

- End -


  1. Hi it's Jay ^^ I met you at Serra's bday party! These are really nice photos! You're a really good sister to your brother and his gf ^^

  2. Thanks for posting the lovely photos Sandy =)

  3. Thanks Girls! =) Glad you like them Regina!
