Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Clive Peeters Warehouse Boys

Okay so I was browsing through some old photos when I came across a few I took in the last few days of closing down Clive Peeters Casula - looking back at these got me all excited. Particularly this shot I took of Tomo below, I think its the orange, I love orange! It's so bright and sharp, and considering this was one of my early shots on my 7D I'm pretty pleased with it too. Too bad Tomo couldn't smile for me.

Above: Tomo

Next comes Dean our warehouse manager. When all else fails Dean came to the rescue. You could always rely on Dean to get stock for you when you're short...(and I don't mean height Dean) LOL.

Above: Dean
You can probably see in the photos that the boys are sitting on chairs with Greys Online Stickers on them. We were pretty much auctioning everything in store, and boy....people really pay quite a bit of $ for stuff they can sometimes find cheaper brand new. Having said that, it is an auction, guess you just need to know when to stop bidding!

N.B. Surnames have been omitted for privacy issues

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Monday, March 14, 2011

The Not So Creepy Old Abandon Dunlop Warehouse

Sooo a few friends and I decided to go on another little short adventure down to Alexandria for some more photography. Phil had organized it this time but failed to attend... disappointing. Was it what I expected? Not really.

It was an interesting site, it was hard to say whether it was actually creepy or lively? The graffiti that covered the joint made it seem like an awesome rave site and yet... the amount of garbage and cracked open bottles left around also made it totally unsafe. Totally wouldn't find it a nice dance floor to boogie down to some groovy music if you have to constantly watch yourself to NOT step on glass. All in all, it was a fun day.

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Quote of the Week - Ralph Waldo Emerson

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Quote of the Week - Mahatma Gandhi

"The future depends on what we do in the present"

Your Input = Your Output, Eat too much, you gain weight. Don't sleep enough, you feel fatigue. Drink too much, one day you will get liver disease. Work hard and eventually your efforts will pay off. Be persistent if you want something and don't give up. The future depends on you.

A Walk Back To Nature

The forest of the Blue Mountains is a spectacular place to be. No cars, no smog, no loud blaring noise - just serenity. It was peaceful exploring the nature tracks that felt so familiar yet so new. It was as if it was meant to be. The place to escape to, to get a breath of fresh air, away from the hustle and bustle of routine city life. No demands from work, No demands from uni, No demands and expectations from anyone.

I had - had an extremely bad night/morning, and the escape was everything I needed. No one was going to ruin my day, and no one did; not even my fellow companions (Brian, Fiona, Pat & Phil) who gratefully left me to be. I think my stressful morning face said it all. I can be so transparent sometimes, which is why that day was just extraordinary. I was able to be myself, pace myself and enjoy every moment I was there - no judgment, no questioning, just peace.

There was so much to see, so much to hear, and yet nothing at all. If you were silent and remained so, you would hear the sounds of chirping birds from afar, the running of stream water through the cracks of rocks, and the occasional footsteps of travelers passing by...it was great. I captured what I could, searching for something different to add to my portfolio, something unique that I didn't already have, and these are a few of what I found:

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The Look of Sophistication

Sophistication, the face says it all,

pure elegance...

....very composed...

...all natural....


and most of all divine...

N.B. Portraits were captured in the lobby just outside the 'Tea Room' in the QVB